潮流、永續性 —— 無需妥協 《Wave-Making 作浪》香港活動圓滿落幕

A split image with the left side featuring a display wall showcasing WAVEIT's branding and sustainability messages, and the right side showing a man wearing a crossbody bag made from 4 plastic bottles. The display wall includes text highlighting WAVEIT's mission and product details, such as a messenger bag made from 8 plastic bottles.

「潮流」有趣之處在於,它有探之不盡的可能性。若能與此同時,將「永續性」納入考量中,我們穿搭的輪廓將變得更加立體、更具深度,同時亦體現了穿搭者對環境、海洋的一份深思熟慮。但 是,「潮流」和「永續性」可並存嗎?在 WAVEIT 的角度來說,答案是:Why not? 我們以「為海 洋帶來永續性」,演繹美學、環保的完美結合。我們的袋子均為膠樽再生而成的環保背包,同時也 是型格簡約的潮流單品,向大眾傳達「潮流、永續性 —— 無需妥協」的這個訊息。

我們更於 6 月 13 日在尖沙咀文化中心地下餐廳舉辦了《Wave-Making 作浪》產品發佈活動,向一 眾潮流愛好者宣揚「永續海洋」這個概念,也展示了我們的新產品。

A split image with the left side showing a man and a woman posing with WAVEIT bags against a branded backdrop, and the right side featuring the same woman interacting with a display of plastic bottles. The backdrop highlights WAVEIT's branding and sustainability messages, and both individuals are dressed in casual outfits, showcasing the eco-friendly bags made from recycled plastic bottles.



每年,近 8 百萬噸廢膠流入海洋,成為生物的慢性毒藥,且造成生物多樣性危機。我們希望以品牌 的身份,一小步、一小步,大力推動可持續發展運動,希望為海洋做到「Sustainability In. Waste Out.」。WAVEIT 背包的布料是由廢棄膠樽再造而成,避免它們被棄置於推填區,繼而流入並污染海洋。

我們推出的第一批產品為「Sea Sparkle 系列」,這個系列的袋子均散發簡約卻又大膽的魅力,如大 海般引人著迷。袋子備有印上反光圖案的織帶,與海洋奇觀之一的「藍眼淚」互相呼應。同時熱愛 海洋和潮流穿搭的您,絕對不能錯過這個系列。如欲了解詳情,可瀏覽 thewaveit.com/collections/sea-sparkle-series。 


A split image with the left side showing a young woman and a man wearing WAVEIT bags, and the right side depicting an underwater scene with plastic waste and fish. The text 'SEA SPARKLE - OCEAN MIRACLE THAT TRAVELS WITH YOU' is overlaid in bright orange. The image highlights the contrast between stylish, sustainable fashion and the environmental impact of plastic pollution in the oceans.

On the left, a display of WAVEIT eco-friendly bags in various colors, set against a blue ocean-themed backdrop with a fishing net and plastic bottles. On the right, a close-up of a blue WAVEIT backpack, half of which is constructed from stacked blue plastic bottles. The image highlights the transformation of plastic waste into stylish, sustainable products.

廢膠樽變設計 當「潮流」湧起「永續浪濤」

袋子的部分布料由環保膠樽再造而成。一個個從各地回收而來的廢棄膠樽,經品牌的供應商清洗、 拆解成膠碎、重新編成布料,最後再交付於 WAVEIT 進行設計和生產,因此,每一個袋子都有著自 己獨一無二的故事。

An infographic illustrating the process of recycling plastic bottles into products. The image shows three crushed plastic bottles on the left, an arrow pointing to plastic pellets in the center, and another arrow pointing to a blue WAVEIT backpack on the right. This visual representation highlights the transformation of waste plastic into sustainable fashion products.


我們稱顧客為「作浪人」,因為在他們決定於 WAVEIT 消費的那一刻起,其實也在為海洋進行表 態。以自身的購買決定,阻止更多的廢膠流進大海,助海洋達至「永續」。為了讓一眾「作浪人」 更眀白他們本人在改變海洋現狀上所作出的貢獻,我們更在產品加上了特別的織嘜設計,上面印有 該袋子使用的回收膠樽數目。

Sea Sparkle 系列包括背包、斜揹袋等,備有電腦和手機保護格,能照顧到不同的場合需要,對於要 經常通勤的人來說,是既實用又具風格的選擇。重點是,即便是環保產品,也不失隨性不羈的型格 感。

Close-up image showing details of a WAVEIT bag made from recycled materials. On the left, a label reads 'Sustainability In. Waste Out.' with an icon indicating the bag is made from 14 plastic bottles. On the right, a hand is placing a metal water bottle inside the bag, highlighting its practical design and sustainability focus.

一眾潮流愛好者 為 WAVEIT 揭開序幕

WAVEIT 今回首度舉辦《Wave-Making 作浪》產品發佈活動。除了展示我們最新的袋子系列,讓 一眾潮流愛好者一一揹上體驗外,我們也找來合作夥伴 A Plastic Ocean(非政府組織)協力參與,

向參觀者展述廢膠污染對海洋和生態的影響。現場更設不同的藝術裝置和工作坊,讓參觀者更了解 品牌背後的環保理念和哲學。

Close-up of two hands holding a black bag while attaching a blue and white WAVEIT logo patch. The person on the left is wearing a white wristband and a silver watch. The background shows a wooden table with scattered patches and badges, emphasizing the hands-on customization and branding activity.

大家對海洋保育的吶喊 —— 將隨 WAVEIT 周遊四海

在「作浪人漂流瓶 | Voices for the Ocean 」工作坊中,我們請參與者寫下「最不想海洋變成的模 樣」,然後連同回收膠樽,一併貼上展板。這個藝術裝置取海洋漂流瓶的概念,喻意扔掉海洋廢膠 污染的惡夢,再次迎來零塑膠的大海。

這些「漂流瓶」之後將隨我們 WAVEIT 的銷售人員周遊四海,展示在世界各地的銷售點或展銷會 中。透過「作浪人」的聲音,把海洋保育這個訊息傳出去。


On the left, a man and a woman stand in front of a WAVEIT display board that reads 'You're Part of It.' The woman carries a small blue crossbody bag, and the man holds a blue messenger bag, both made from recycled plastic bottles. On the right, a close-up shows hands holding a plastic bottle wrapped in a bag with handwritten messages and signatures, illustrating the campaign's focus on sustainability and community engagement.


如同海浪一般 — 永不止息

WAVEIT 透過以回收垃圾製造新產品,阻截廢膠從堆填區流入大海。一步接一步、一浪接一浪,WAVEIT正在慢慢地推進「永續海洋」,且永不停步。